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Series 1PYFireballRS AeroILCA 7ILCA 6ILCA 4
Series 2PYFireballRS AeroILCA 7ILCA 6ILCA 4
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Mug Winners 9 March

PY: Race 1 Desmond Fortune, Race 2 Cariosa Power and Marjo, Race 3 No award

ILCA 7: No awards

ILCA 6: Race 1 Alison Pigot, Race 2 Kevin Foley, Race 3 Geaspar Warfield

ILCA 4: Race 1 Leo O’Doherty, Race 2 Rory Brennan-Hobbs, Race 3 No award

Mug Winners 2 March

PY: Race 1 Jack McNaughton & Theo Lynch, Race 2 Nick Miller & Jos Elkink, Race 3 no award

ILCA 7: no awards

ILCA 6: Race 1 Lucy Ives, Race 2 John McCambridge, Race 3 Rachel Crowley

Mug Winners 16 February

PY: Race 1 Frank Miller & Neil Cramer, Race 2 Pat McGoldrick & Gabor Hennel, Race 3 Cearbhall Daly & Nick Miller (15058)

ILCA 7: Race 1 Robbie Walker, Race 2, race 3 No awards

ILCA 6: Race 1 Ali Robinson ??, Race 2 Luke Smith, Race 3 Pascal Boret

Mug Winners 9 February

PY: Race 1 Louise McKenna & Hermine O’Keeffe, Race 2 Alan Blay, Hugh McNally, Race 3 on 2 Feb Colm Nixon

ILCA 7: No awards

ILCA 6: Race 1 Nathan Harris, Race 2 Hugh Cahill

Mug Winners 2 February

PY: Race 1 Neil Colin, Race 2 Ciara Mulvey & Peter Murphy, Race 3 Owen Sinnott, Grattan Donnelly

ILCA 7: Race 1 Conor O’Leary, Race 2 Aidan Geraghty, Race 3 no award

ILCA 6: Race 1 Mary Chambers, Race 2 Michael Norman, Race 3 Judy O’Beirne

Mug Winners 19 January

PY: Race 1 Paul ter Horst, Race 2 Paul Phelan

ILCA 7: Race 1 John O’Driscoll, Race 2 Chris Arrowsmith

ILCA 6: Race 1 David Cahill, Race 2 Gareth Giles

Mug Winners 12 January

PY: Race 1 Nicole Hemeryck & Michael Keegan, Race 2 Stuart Harris

ILCA 7: Race 1 Sam Wilkinson, Race 2 Damian Maloney

ILCA 6: Race 1 Owen Laverty, Race 2 Neil Hegarty

Mug Winners 1 December

PY: Race 1 Pierre Long, Race 2 Alastair Court

ILCA 7: Race 1 Roy McKay, Race 2 Sean Flanagan

ILCA 6: Race 1 Shirley Gilmore, Race 2 Anne-Marie Cox

Mug Winners 17 November

PY: Race 1 Roy van Maanen, Race 2 Thompsons

ILCA 7: Race 1 Niall Cowman, Race 2 Gary O’Hare

ILCA 6: Race 1 Brendan Hughes, Race 2 David Williams

Mug Winners 10 November

PY: Race 1 Noel Butler, Race 2 Alan Leddy and Norman Lee

ILCA 7: Race 1 John Marmelstein, Race 2 Conor Clancy

ILCA 6: Race 1 Harry Dunne, Race 2 Hugh Delap

Mug Winners 3 November

PY: Race 1 Stephen Oram, Race 2 Sarah Dwyer

ILCA 7: Race 1 Conor Byrne, Race 2 Matteo Valentini

ILCA 6: Race 1 Sean Craig, Race 2 Darren Griffin